Transitional Housing

Emergency Sheltering and Housing Support
The Louison House provides an Emergency Sheltering program for youth (18-24) and adults from Northern Berkshire County in immediate need of interim housing. The Louison House currently contracts a motel to provide double rooms for approximately 24 individuals. Like in our TH program, entrance to the shelter is prioritized according to HUD guidelines, and potential entrants remain on a prioritized waitlist until space is available. All residents work on an Individual Service Plan with staff to secure permanent housing, stable income, and the necessary identification documents to do so. Additionally, through the federal Community Development Block Grant program, staff assist North Adams residents to set benchmarks for their individual housing goals.
Permanent Supportive Housing
The PSH Program houses families and individuals that fit the Federal HUD standards for Chronic Homelessness. Louison House has 6 individuals and 3 families in scatter site leased apartments that are subsidized through Louison House. People in this program can stay in their unit for as long as is needed to ensure their later housing success. To support our clients’ progress, Louison House staff provide budgeting and other supportive services to help meet the needs and individual goals of each person, in addition to developing Service Plans for housing success.